No matter what stage your hair is in, hair moisturizing is the most important part. However, if you find that your natural hair still needs moisture after a day of washing, then you need the most moisturizing method. This method sounds familiar, because various hairdressing bloggers praised this method on social media-very popular.
Therefore, if you are ready to use this method to nourish your curly or wavy hair, then you will benefit a lot from reading this article. Below, we will introduce you to the maximum hydration method and how to add it to your hair care routine.
What is maximum hydration method?
The maximum hydration method was proposed by a woman named Pinkcube in 2013. The idea is that when you follow this 5-step process, any hair texture can retain moisture, no matter how bad your original hair is. Everyone who needs extra hydration can benefit from it. If done correctly, it will not only immediately bring moisture to your hair, but also retain moisture. Sounds too good to be true? As long as you have the right product, this is actually much easier than you think.
Products needed:
Amino acids
Greek yogurt
Apple Cider Vinegar
Bentonite Clay
Sulfate-free Conditioner
Leave-in Conditioner
Do it with 4 steps.
Step 1. Cherry Lola Treatment
As the first step of the Max Hydration Method, you need to make a mixture that combines multiple ingredients (including Greek yogurt, amino acids, and honey) to moisturize, reduce frizz and make your hair easier to comb. Before you start, you need to put these ingredients in a blender to mix them evenly, and then pour them into a bowl, this is called cherry lola treatment.
When your mixture is ready, you apply it to dry, untied hair, soaking it from root to tip. After applying each strand of hair evenly, place the hair in the shower cap. Let it stay for an hour and a half to two hours, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.
Step2. Clarify
To perform the maximum hydration method, you need to start with fresh, clean hair. Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar. Mix one part apple cider vinegar with two parts water. Pour the mixture on the scalp first, then massage to remove dirt. Pour the remaining rinse on the hair. After the hair is clean, rinse it off thoroughly.
Step3. Co-wash
Divide the hair into several parts. In each part, apply a sulfate-free conditioner and gently comb the hair. You can use a wide comb, denman brush or fingers to comb. After untangling the tangles, close the plastic cover, let the conditioner sit for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse off.
Step4. Clay Rinse
After the hair is completely rinsed, apply a clay rinse. Mix 1 cup of bentonite with 2-3 cups of warm water. Then apply the mixture to the hair in batches and let the mixture stay on the hair for 15-20 minutes, and then gently rinse the hair off.
Step5. Condition and Gel
When the hair is still drenched, divide the hair into several parts. In each part, apply a sulfate-free leave-in conditioner. Use your fingers to gently rake the conditioner across the hair. After using the conditioner, apply a quarter-size gel to the hair. Gently comb your hair. Then repeat this step for each of the remaining parts, and you are done!
Repeat this method every day for a week, and then repeat 3 times every other day for best results. No one method is omnipotent, only constant experimentation can find a method that suits your hair type and lifestyle, so don’t be afraid to try new things-even if it takes time.