CURLSQUEEN Human Hair Extensions

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1 product


What is a Lace Frontal?

Lace frontal hairpieces come in sew-in or bonded installations. Lace frontal can help you achieve a more natural look for your wigs and hair extensions. They are often 4 or 6 inches to the back and 13 inches across, covering your hairline ear to ear. Its flexibility allows you to try out different hairstyles suck as center parts, side parts, or ponytails that look natural.

What is a Lace Closure?

A lace closure typically comes in 4*4 inches and 5*5 inches in size and is used to close off your wig or a particular style. 

How to Install a Lace Closure or Frontal?

Step 1: Regardless of whether you want to install it on sew-in or glue-in weaves, tracks will be needed for the weft of the closure.

Step 2: Complete the process of sewing in or gluing in hair extensions to tracks or cornrow braids of natural hair.

Step 3: Clean the skin around the outer edge of the hairline with rubbing alcohol.

Step 4: Make sure that you leave a U-shaped portion of cornrow braids on the crown of your head. This is what you have to install the lace closure.

Step 5: Apply a thin line of adhesive. Gently press it down until it is secured. Alternatively, you can use a dark-colored sewing thread and C-shaped needle to attach the lace closure to the U-shaped section of tracks.