CURLSQUEEN Human Hair Extensions

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27 products


How to install your tape-in extensions is helpful prevent hair falling?

a. Clarify your own hair before you install the hair extensions

b. Do not apply any hair products before installation

c. Select an extremely thin strands of hair during installation ensure that each strands hair could stick well on to the tape, or if you select too much hair for strands, your tape ins won't stick well and might fall

d. Have the tape in extensions one quarter of an inch away from your hair root

e. Use a hot straightener to apply pressure on the tape wefts for secs once installed is necessary, this could ensure to melt the glue firmly to your hair.

How long will your tape in last?

Every installation could last 6-8 weeks ​after every installation and allow you install 3 or 4 times.

Will the tape-in installation damage our own hair?

The adhesive is safety that if you remove your tape-ins gently with hair remover, your hair would not be damaged, no worries.

How may grams/PCS would work for full head?

40 pcs a bundle, 2 bundle, 80 pcs are for a full head but if your natural hair is super thick, 120 pcs will work