CURLSQUEEN Human Hair Extensions

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23 products


How to Install Weave Bundles Weft Hair Extensions with sew-in method?

a. Prepare your natural hair by washing it clean before sewing to gain the perfect result after finishing.

b. Take a few hair strands and braid them firmly small horizontal lines.

c. Thread the needle and start sewing the weft directly onto your track for a seamless look.

This method suits all types of hair. But this is not recommended for those whose hair is too weak, fragile or damaged.

How to Install Weave Bundles Weft Hair Extensions with quick weave glue-in method?

a. Braded or layout natural hair down.

b. Placing a weave cap over your head. The cap is acting as a barrier between your hair and the glue.

c. Once intact, measure the track needed per layer, glue, and apply pressure to the head.

Will Sewing in Hurt Scalp?

Sewn in weft may sound painful, but they aren't at all. At no point will your skin be punctured, the weft is simply integrated with your own hair on each side of it by some thread.