CURLSQUEEN Human Hair Extensions

Is Quick Weave Hair Better Than Sew-In Hair for Beginners?


Human hair weave is popular choice for enhancing hair length, volume, and overall appearance.The two main installation methods for beginners are quick weaves and sew-in weaves. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, but which is best for beginners?

Now we will explore all the differences between a quick weave hair & a sew-in weave method and help you decide which one is better for your own.

What are quick weaves and sew-in weaves?

What is Quick Weave Hair?

CURLSQUEEN bundle weft hair extensions,light yaki

Quick weave is a technique where weft hair extensions are glued onto a protective cap that is placed on the head. The hair wefts can be either synthetic or human hair, and they are cut and styled to blend with your natural hair. Quick weaves are called "quick" because they can be done in a shorter amount of time than other types of weaves, like sew-ins.

What is Sew-In Weave?

CURLSQUEEN bundle weft hair extensions,kinky straight texture

A sew-in weave is a method where weft hair extensions are sewn onto braids that are made with your natural hair. The braids are arranged in a specific pattern to make sure the extensions are secure and blend seamlessly. You can use either synthetic or human hair for sew-ins, but if you're looking for extensions that offer more natural movement, flexible styling, and long-lasting durability, human hair weave are definitely the way to go.

→Get the look of  weave bundle weft hair extensions at CURLSQUEEN→→→

What Are the Differences Between Quick Weaves and Sew-ins ?

Quick Weave vs Sew-In: Installation Process Compared

-Quick weave Installation

  • Firstly,get your natural hair laid flat on the head. This is really necessary if you want to achieve a flat and flawless style, you can gel it down or cornrow the hair either.
  • Secondly, put on a wig cap to your head before start intall process. Some person also apply a coat of hairspray on top of the cap as a protective layer from the glue.
  • Cut the one piece of straight or curly weft hair extensions into fitable pieces and glued in several layers to the cap around your head.
  • You can either apply a quick weave with or without a closure. Some people prefer to leave their hair out on the top, to create a more natural look.
  • It takes about 1 hours to complete the whole process of quick weave hair installation which is significantly faster than installing a sew-in.

-Sew in Installation

  • Firstly,cornrow braid your ntural hair to ensure your braids are flat and neat. Make sure your natural hair is dry and not damp or wet before installing the extensions.
  • Cut the weft hair extensions into the desired lengths and widths, making sure that they are long enough to cover the braids.
  • Take one extension weft and place it against the first cornrow, ensuring that it covers the braid entirely.Sew the extension weft onto the cornrow using a curved needle and thread.Making sure that each stitch is tight and secure.
  • The whole process of sew ins takes 2-3 hours.

Quick Weave hair vs Sew-In hair: Removal Process Compared

-Quick weave  hair removal 

  • Firstly,prepare the necessities of the remover or oil and deep treatment hair conditoner,spray bottle.
  • Secondly,part and section your hair away from the extension to see each layer of wefts clearly, braid or tie your own hair loosely,and then spray the remover or apply the oil/conditioner to the roots of those wefts.
  • Then rub the area around the track of the weaves,the weave will get loose to be slide off.
  • Make sure to section and spray the hair from top layer to the end layer until you remove all the weave bundles out from your head.

-Sew-in hair removal 

  • Use scissors to carefully cut the thread that was used to sew the extension weft onto your natural hair.
  • Gently pull all the extension wefts away from your natural hair. Avoid pulling or tugging on your natural hair, as this can cause damage or breakage.
  • After removing the extension wefts, take a break before installing new ones to allow your natural hair to rest and recover.

Durability of Quick Weaves vs Sew-In Weaves: Which Lasts Longer?

-Quick weave 

Durability And Maintenance

  • Most quick weaves can last about 4 or 5 weeks if they were taken good care of.
  • Quick weave doesn’t require too much mantiance as the sew in.


  • Normally a sew in can last 2-3 moths long if been taken good care.
  • You can easily wash,style or cut your sew-ins to frame your face as you want.

Quick Weave vs Sew-In: Cost Comparison

-Cost for quick weaves

  1. Burget of quick weave install is lower and more affordable than the sew-ins.It cost $100 or lower for each install.
  2. You can either save the hairstylist cost to do it at home yourself instead since it is easier than the sew-in method.

-Cost for Sew-ins

  • Cost of a sew-in intall is $100-$600 which is more expensive than the quick weaves because it can be more difficult and time-consuming to install.
  • It’s best to seek the help of a professional when installing sew-in extensions to avoid damaging your hair or scalp(or follow the sew in tutorial videos and make some pratices until you master it).

Quick Weaves vs Sew-In Weaves:Hair Damage Risks Comparison

-Hair Damage risks of quick weaves:

  • As we know the hair are glued onto the wig cap but not hair directly,quick weave would not brings breakages to your own natural hair if you intalled wefts properly.
  • People need to avoid spreading the glue to the scalp when you come to glue the weft to the crown,this may cause issues since the glue or gel may contain chemical ingredients like alcohol, xylene which make hair dry out or result in the allergic reactions if you have sensitive scalp.

-Hair Damage risks of Sew-ins

  • We don’t need to worry about the hair demage if we get hair professionally intalled by well-tranind hairdresser.
  • Don’t sew the extension wefts too tightly onto your scalp, as this may cause discomfort or Pain.

In Conclusion

whether a quick weave hair is better than a sew-in weave for beginners depends on several factors, including intallation & removal, lifestyle, and budget. It’s up to the individual to decide which option is best for them.

Quick weaves are generally recommended for people with shorter hair, those who want a more affordable option, and those who want a temporary hairstyle with weave bundles. Sew-in weaves, on the other hand,are better suited for people with longer hair, those who want a more secure and long-lasting option, and those who have larger burdget.

You may also interested in:12 Chic Protective Hairstyles with Sew-in Extensions for Black Women

*If you are unsure about which texture to choose for blending, feel free to email our CSR ([email protected]) with photos of your natural hair. We will provide you with our recommendations:)

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