CURLSQUEEN Human Hair Extensions

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How to get defined curls for type3 hair


Are you looking for solutions to get rid of dry and frizzy hair and obtain voluminous ringlets for your 3B or 3C curls? Curly hair tend to become unruly for lack of hydration because the natural oils from scalp can not reach hair shafts smoothly like straight hair. Learn how to define your curls well with moisture, here are the immediate tips.

Step 1 : Curly girl method

Clean your hair with only conditioner. Curly girl method is also know as co-wash method, which means washing your hair without shampoo because shampoo will make dry hair worse.

If your hair conditioner can not clean up the buildup on your scalp, you can use sulfate free shampoo which can clarify your hair and maintain moisture. Apply some shampoo on your head and message your scalp. The scalp is usually the most oily area. Rinse your hair towards the ends.

Step 2 : Condition and detangle

Condition your hair from scalp and focus on the ends of your curls. Let the conditioner sit for a while before rinsing it out of your hair with cold water. This is conducive to lock the moisture and make your hair ends not dry quickly. Detangle and brush your hair with a wide-tooth comb from the ends and work your way up. Gentle work can prevent as much breakage as possible.

Step 3 : Keep hair moisturized

Moisturize your hair with shea moisturizer or leave in conditioner and rake through your hair. When you finish washing your hair, apply leave in conditioner or cream to make your hair keep moisture and tangle free.

Step 4 : Apply styling product when hair is wet

Apply the styling products such as a gel or mousse to define your curls. If you do not want to add too much product on your hair, you can spray some water and just twist your hair strand by strand.

Step 5 : Scrunch your hair to define curls

After applying holding product or finishing twisting your hair, hold your hair in your hands and scrunch your hair upwards and leave for some time. If you didn’t twist your hair before, you can scrunch for a while to get curlier curls. Coconut oil or coconut butter can make your hair ends softer.

Step 6 : Diffuse your hair

Keep scrunching until that there is on water left or you can just take a cotton towel and squish the water out. Attach your blow dryer with diffuser and set the hair dryer at the lowest level. The air comes out from hair diffuser will be dispersed and less strong comparing with blow dryer.

Hover the diffuser over your head and keep on drying your hair until dry.