CURLSQUEEN Human Hair Extensions

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7 Easy Steps to DIY Ombre Tape in Hair Extensions


Want to dye your natural tape in hair extensions Ombre at home? Are you looking to dye your hair extensions a different color but don't know how? Well, we've got just the guide for you! In this article, we will show you step by step how to dye your tape in hair extensions Ombre safely and properly by yourself - no professional required! By following these simple steps, you'll be able to dye your hair extensions any Ombre color you want without any risks or problems. So why wait? Give it a try today!

Choose an Ombre color

Tape in hair extensions should always match your hair colorthat's why Ombre hair extensions are so popular. They come in many different shades, so you're sure to find the perfect one for you. To dye your tape in extensions Ombre at home, start by choosing the lightest shade and work your way up to the darkest. This will give you a perfect result every time! You can also create your own Ombre color by mixing two or more shades together. Be sure to take into account the end result you want - for example, would you prefer a gradual or sudden color change? How your hair extensions look depends on yourself!

Prepare your hair extensions and hair dye

Dyeing your hair extensions Ombre at home is a great way to add a touch of glamour and color to your look. Pick up the hair extensions in the texture you'd like and prepare the hair color of your choice in advance. Do not forget to shampoo and condition your hair extensions if you've just got them by express. Remove the wefts from each extension one at a time. Prepare your hair extensions and hair dye before applying the color to your textured extension strands. If you are unsure of the exact result of the Ombre effect, use a small amount of your color to some pieces and allow them to air dry before applying more. Be sure to follow the steps carefully, and you'll be Ombre-ing your hair extensions in no time!

Apply the hair color to your extension

Before applying the color, make sure your hair extensions are clean and dry. Next, apply a developer to the hair extensions for about 10 minutes. This will help the color to penetrate the hair better. After rinsing the color off with warm water and shampoo, you're ready to dye them as you normally would. Be sure to dye them safely and properly to avoid any hair damage and not to overload your hair with too much product or heat - this could cause damage to your extensions. Have fun coloring your hair extensions the way you want - it'll make your hair look thicker and fuller.

Process and tone the color


In general, the black tape in extensions havent been bleached, and if you purchased black extensions, you can choose to keep the root or change the color totally. To change the color in the root areas, apply the developer to the top parts of your extension and brush the hair dye downward. Repeat the step on the other side and comb to make the developer saturated. Measure the ratio of toner and developer and mix them in a bowl. Brush the hair toner in the rest of tape in extensions and wait for about 10-15 minutes. Section your hair into small sections and make sure each section is evenly dosed before leaving it on!

Rinsing & Washing your Hair Extensions After Hair Dyeing

Remove the dyed extensions by gently rinsing them with sulfate-free color-safe shampoo in running cold water, then setting them aside for next step unless you want a darker shade! Hair dyeing can be a fun and exciting experience, but it's important to take care of your hair extensions after dyeing them.

Comb and let your hair extensions air dry

There are a lot of hair dyeing tips out there, but combing and letting your hair extensions air dry are the two important steps. When you dye tape in hair extensions, it's important to be sure the dye is evenly distributed throughout the hair strand. If you don't comb your hair extensions after dyeing, the hair extensions will become tangled and won't dry properly. In addition, combing your hair extensions after dyeing will help distribute the dye evenly and prevent color fade. As for hair extensions that have been dyed before? Simply let them air dry completely before putting them in your hair. This will help prevent color fade and keep the hair extensions looking their best!

Style your tape in hair extensions

Apply some oil and disperse them throughout your tape ins from the middle points, however, avoid to make them greasy. By following the instructions outlined, you can avoid any hair loss or color damage while maintaining the natural feeling of your hair extensions. Have fun coloring your hair extensions from now on!

