CURLSQUEEN Human Hair Extensions

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3B Or 3C, Which One Is Better


What is your exact hair type? Do your curls belong to 3B or 3C? If you identify your hair type in the most well-acknowledged hair typing system method, then you might call your hair type 4B or 3C. If you choose locate your hair type in other systems, then you might identify it in other different indications. However, no matter which type system you choose and what exact hair type your curls belongs, everyone can take care of their curls in a wide range of hair routines and tame the curls in a variety of ways. Different kinds of natural curls acquire different sorts care and that’s why many people are prone to look for the group with similar or the same hair type of them.

The Andre Walker Hair Typing System, LOIS, and the FIA's Hair Typing System categorize natural hair in different ways and they are just some of the various typinf system. They might stand out just because they work for most natural hair women. Who knows. Different hair textures will not always perform in the same ways and it contributes that every curly girl have to learn how to deal with their hair during the long lifetime.

Learn about what exact kind of hair you have help you understand your curls better and make you do better choice on what products are suitable for your curly type and how to reduce hair loss, prevent hair breakage, keep curl definition and moisture. When it comes to type 3 hair, 3A hair might be the most easy one to identify for its loose spiral curls while 3B and 3C hair have some similar characteristics for tighter curls.

What is 3B hair

3B hair is the medium type of type 3 hair which have a tightly curled S-pattern between 3A and 3C hair. The springy but a bit coarse corkscrew curls of 3B hair is tighter than loose spirals and the marker-sized diameter make great volume and thickness on head. There are many ways recommended to identify curl pattern. When you are going to make out your hair type, clean your hair and do not apply hair products on it, no matter leave in conditioner or oil. Do not manipulate the curls and allow it air dry to keep the most natural state.

When the most of your hair get dry, check your curls with the typing chart and measure the curls with the help of tools. In addition, due to the comprehensive factors from outside environment, the curls on your head might match more than one kind of curl shape in the typing chart and you can take the most of your curls as the main measuring indicator. Find out your hair type is the first step to natural hair care.

What is 3C hair

As you may have noticed from the typing chart, 3C hair has more tight curl than 3B hair. The densely packed curls are the curliest curl pattern among the type 3 hair and they look like having a great volume. The tight curls require more moisture than loose hair and prone to frizz and damage. How to take care of the curls and how to keep them in good condition is a great task.

Shampoo and condition are the basic couple when it comes to hair products, however, you should pay attention to the ingredients of them when choosing your moisturizer. Do not apply too many product on your curls wither. The amazing curls are the best natural embellishment and always stay away from heating tools which will not only flatten or curl but destroy your curls.

3B curly hair wigs & extensions

You will be amazed at how human hair wig and extensions looks like your own hair. You will be further amazed at how they can be styled without any heat like your natural hair. You can apply the wigs and hair extensions without any heat or glue which can provide great length and volume and amazing outlook at a quite reasonable price which can save a lot of money in styling the curls.

Curlsqueen provide the best 3B curly hair wigs and extensions at an price within your budget. Curlsqueen human hair wigs and extensions made from Brazilian virgin hair provide pretty natural and satisfying look and can be washed, conditioned, trimmed, dyed, twisted, and bleached. Find out what kind of hair technique you like at Curlsqueen curly wigs and extensions

They are really versatile and gorgeous in high quality and all of the techniques are not difficult to install if you are going to make it at home by yourself. Curlsqueen Natural Curly Human Hair Wigs and Extensions are suitable for not only 3B hair type as well.

3C curly hair wigs & extensions

Wigs and hair extensions in 3B-3C and 3C-4A hair texture are both suit for 3C natural hair since 3C hair type not only contain the 3B curls but also similar to 4A hair type. Try a kinky curly or water kinky curly wig or hair extensions if you are more willing to match the 3B-3C hair texture and try the Afro kinky curly wig or hair extensions if you are more willing to match the 3C-4A hair texture.

Curlsqueen Brazilian Virgin Kinky Curly U-Part Human Hair Wig and kinky curly clip in hair extensions, tape in hair extensions, microlinks hair extensions and sew in weft hair bundles are all available with different sets of length and volume.

3C hair wigs and extensions require maintenance in case of tangle and frizz. To care for your natural hair and scalp, tie your hair up into pineapple bun or loose high ponytail at night to keep your curls defined. Sleep with soft silk pillowcase which will not cause friction and dryness with your motion.